Thursday, September 25, 2008

Civil Twilight

You may have heard of the South African band, Superfine or The View. Hell, you may be old enough to remember them as Seraphim. If you ever saw them perform, you would have been quite stoked to have done so. Ok, maybe not as Seraphim, and to a degree, Superfine either. But The View are amazing. Anyway, they left a couple of years ago to try make it big in LA. On arriving, they were forced to change their name once again, because their is a talk show called The View in the States and there is another band in the UK called The View. Hence, Civil Twilight
Arguably their most well known song is Letters From the Sky. Watch the video below.

A long story short, they moved around the States a bit recording and
touring. Not too long ago, they released Human, the debut album 
under their new name. Recently, they signed up with NYC label Wind-
up Records. Now they are living in Tennessee and recording for their 
new album to hopefully be released in January 09.

Last week Thursday, an episode of One Tree Hill was broadcast on 
American television. For the last 6 minutes of episode, another Civil 
Twilight song was played. This song is called Quiet In My Town. In 
the four hours that proceeded the show, Itunes sold about 3000 of 
their songs! They featured at number 12 on most songs sold in one 
day. Pretty awesome for three boys from Cape Town!

Check out their Facebook page, their Myspace and their Website.

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