What do the bands, Kings of Convenience, The Whitest Boy Alive andRöyksopphave in common? Erlend Øye. The Norwegian is involved with all three. His latest side project (lets be honest, being involved with three successful acts makes them all side projects or none of them), is the Whitest Boy Alive is great. The Berlin based band released Rules in 2009, their second album which is played completely by the band ie, there is no programming or sequencing. That is cause for celebration. Not many acts take that option these days.
I love music, and most things that relate to music. I also enjoy writing. So I have decided to create an amalgamation of my interests. Therefore, Smack Talk serves to entertain, create awareness and be an outlet for my interests.
If you have a band and would like to be seen, known and loved, you can email me. richardcoleking[at]gmail[dot]com
I love Burning! That was the first song I heard by them! I preferred their first album to their second, but I like them nonetheless.
I like your writing style. Nice blog.
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